jeudi 10 avril 2014

Coachella Inspired

Hi lovelies,

How is life treading you? This weekend it's Coachella-weekend.. You know Coachella right? Every celebrity is coming to Indio, California to join this festival. 
Coachella has an incredible line-up with artist from all over the world. So when you go to Coachella partying is guaranteed. Although partying is the main goal for people to visit this amazing weekend, the outfits everyone wears have a important role too. Many fashion-bloggers get inspired by these festival looks. 
I can't wait to see how everybody looks and to get inspired by these amazing outfits. Of-course I'm a little jealous of everyone who goes to Coachella, because this is a festival that attends my festival-wish-list for 2 years now. That doesn't mean I'm wishing everybody who got a ticket an amazing weekend, full of joy, fashion and good music! I collected some of my favorite Coachella-outfits to get inspired for the next festival I'm going to attend and creating some really cool festival-looks. 


Are you gonna go to Coachella? and what are you going to wear to your next festival?

With Love, J.

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